Root canal treatment is applied as a result of damage to the vascular-nerve package located in the center of the tooth and extending to the root of the tooth for various reasons, such as caries, unhealthy fillings or trauma. The vascular-nerve package, which is irreversibly damaged or even completely loses its vitality in advanced cases, is removed from the tooth and a filling material is placed in its place.
Before starting the root canal treatment, local anesthesia is applied to the relevant area and the formation of pain is prevented. For this reason, no pain is felt during the procedure.
In cases where root canal treatment is not applied, the infection in the vascular-nerve package can spread from the root tip to the bone and, accordingly, a lesion or cyst may develop at the root tip, or even swelling of the face or gum may occur in some cases. With the progression of damage to the bone, tooth extraction may become necessary.
There are many factors that affect the success and longevity of root canal treated teeth. Among these factors; There are many other factors such as the person’s immune response, the extent of substance loss in the tooth, oral Decontamination, nutrition. After root canal treatment, root canal treatment of a reinfected tooth can often be renewed and tooth loss is tried to be prevented.